10 JAAR AOUATISCHE ECOTECHNOlOGtE Original Message From: Preparatory Secretariat of the 3rd World Water Forum [mailto:ito@water-forum3.com] Sent: vrijdag 20 juli 2001 07:26 To: for distribution only Subject: 34th issue of the Newsletter from 3rd World Water Forum Newsletter Secretariat of the 3rd World Water Forum No. 34 July 19, 2001 Secretary General, Hideaki Oda The Youth World Water Forum in the Netherlands I recently had the pleasure of participating in the Youth World Water Forum held in the city of Vlissingen in the Netherlands from June 25 to 28. This is the first time that a Youth World Water Forum has been attempted anywhere in the world and the enthusiasm of the Netherlands, which hosted the 2nd World Water Forum, was readily apparent. H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Orange, who chaired the 2nd World Water Forum, also participated in this forum's round table conference, and spoke enthusiastically about his expectations of young people. The Youth World Water Forum was held as a commemorative event marking the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Aquatic Ecotechnology course at Hogeschool ZeelandüiUniversity of Professional Educationüj. Teachers and students worked together, making an all our effort to prepare and run this forum. As a participant, I was extremely impressed by the efforts made. The water problem is not something that can be solved overnight. This fact alone makes cooperation between generations essential. Transferring knowledge between generations and gaining the participation of young people are important themes for the 3rd World Water Forum. The water problem covers many areas. How we gain the cooperation of students in various fields and young people involved in the water problem throughout the world is something that I think needs to be taken up seriously by all of us. It is my hope that this will be considered as an important theme of the virtual forum as well. In the evening of the first day of the conference, there was a thunder and lightning storm over the North Sea. Two seagulls flying over Beyond the dark night sky, Thunders being sparkling Ei (Hideaki Oda) Deux mouettes volent Dans Ie ciel tenebreux de la nuit, Eclairees par foudres Ei (Hideaki Oda) 44

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Zeelandboek / Zeeuws jaarboek | 2001 | | pagina 46