Si mmaries Th origin of the Delta Scheme Tv nty five years ago, on February 1 rst, 1953, ttv Netherlands were struck by a flood- di; ister, in which nearly 2000 people were kil 3d. Soon thereafter, the closure of the se -arms of the Delta-area, which had been un er study for some time already, became a I aw. Th 3 article describes the pre-history of the Ds a Scheme and especially the significant ro* that was played therein by one of He and's most prominent hydraulic autho- riti s, Dr. Ir. Johan van Veen. Th Oosterschelde: from conflict to co promise Th original scheme to completely close off he mouth of the Oosterschelde has fre uently been opposed by action groups for he environment and advocates for the int ests of the fishing industry. The history of >eir extra-parliamentary action is de ribed as well as the way in which the ch ged insights permeated into the ide ogy of the political parties. Eve tually the compromise of a movable sto i-surge barrier was reached. Th' oundation of the piers or columns Fo. ie stability of the piers of the storm- sur barrier a soil mechanical research was nec sary, both in the field and in the models, Tes have been made in a centrifuge at the Unii sity of Manchester. Tests have equally bee; made on a large scale in the Delta-area itsel n order to ascertain the friction factor betw en the base of the pier and the foun. ng bed. On b ralf of the foundation the bottom of the Oosterschelde will partly be consolidated; moreover, over the major part of the align ment a trench will be dredged for the foundation-bed. Design and construction aspects of the sill The sill of the storm-surge dam is a very important component of the barrier; it not only serves as a protection of the foundation-bed, but it also lends support to the column- construction. The junction of the sill with the columns must be infallible at all times. Two alternative designs have been outlined meeting all conditions. While executing the works special attention will be given to the finishing of the flatness of the sill and the eventual excessive sanding thereof during its construction. Piers, superstructure and abutments This article gives a description of the design of the piers of the storm-surge barrier and the manner in which these piers will be positioned. Further information is also given about the superstructure and the junction with the abutments. Gates and operating mechanisms The 40 meter wide cross sections in the barrier will be closed with (vertical) sliding gates; its profile is turned towards the Oosterscheide-side. The gates can retain a tidal range of 7 meter and an incoming wave with a significant height of 4.50 meter. The dynamic action of the gates is still being tested in the models. A hydraulic system has been selected for the operating mechanism which can be handled either centrally or per unit. Aspects of construction of the works The columns will be built in a construction pit. Jobwise it would be preferable to con struct a pit near the Philipsdam. The supply-route towards the mouth of the Oosterschelde carries too many risks, however. The construction pit will therefore be situated right behind the Oosterschelde- dam. Between the construction pit and the isle of Schouwen a permanent bridge, three kilometers long, will be built. Positioning of one pier alone will probably take as long as 70 hours. 167

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1978 | | pagina 57