caissons' across the mouth of the Eastern- scheldt a lifting ship was designed to trans port the caissons, the pits and the piers from the construction-site to the closure gaps, to dig in the caissons there, to place the piers on the caissons and to bring back the detached pit. Meanwhile the design for the piers has been changed. As a result the designed lifting ship will not be built. The lifting ship would have been able to place 18 caissons and piers a year. The design consists of one transverse pontoon and two longgitudinal pontoons with a 23 meters wide well. A 50 meters high portal-crane that rests with four legs on the longitudinal pontoons could tow the load - partly floating - through the water. The effects of the motions of the ship are reduced by swell absorbes. For this design numerous tests and calculations have been carried out by the Netherlands Shipmodel Basin in Wageningen. Future control of the storm-surge barrier The manner in which the storm-surge barrier will be put to use forms the basis for the design. The demands on the operating me chanisms, for instance, will be entirely dif ferent if the storm-surge barrier is not closed at the turn of the tide but during tidal flow conditions. In collaboration with the Rand Corporation a study called 'Barrier Control' has been initi ated to review all aspects of the manage ment. This study will be focused in the first place on the closing procedure of the barrier when imminent storm-surges are being fore cast. The security-system that is to come into action is now being submitted to a policy- analysis. Removal of the bottomprotection across the mouth of the Easternscheldt The design to close the Easternscheldt with piers made it mandatory to remove the bottomprotection that was previously laid in the axis of the dam-alignment, i.e. concrete block mattrasses, mats of stone asphalt and fascines lined with woven polypropylene sheets. The layers of rubble around the cableway-towers had to be removed too. The stone asphalt mats proved to be the most difficult to remove as they are interlaced with steel wire. These mats were divided into strips with a cutting device that was dragged along the sea-bottom. The bottomprotection was hauled up by a dredger which, for this purpose, was equipped with rock-buckets. The removal of the cableway-towers from the closure gaps of the Easternscheldt As the plans for a full closure of the Eastern scheldt will not be implemented, the support ing towers of the cableway, already placed in the closure gaps, had to be removed. The superstructure was easily dismantled. The hollow steel piles with which the towers were founded in the bottom of the Easternscheldt were pushed up by water-pressure. To main tain the pressure within the piles a pressure- lid was installed at the top and a plug - a combination of bentonite and silversand at the bottom of the pile. The progress made so far in raising the dikes along the Frisian coast. The dike between Wierum and Paesens In 1974 the raising of the Frisian sea-dike between Wierum and Paesens up to the Delta-level was started. Additional work also included a part of the adjacent dike reach between Wierum and the Oost-Holwerder polder. It proved possible to construct the dike-body over a length of 6,2 kilometers in one season. The existing dike was reinforced on the outside. The new dike has a crest height varying between N.A.P. 8.30 m. and 8.80 m. Great care has been taken to pre serve the historically evolved alignment of the dike. The wet cross-section in the storm-surge barrier An interdepartemental working group has studied what would be the most desirable dimensions of the wet cross-section in the storm-surge barrier with which the Easternscheldt can be sealed off. The fol lowing wet cross-sections have been examin ed: a cross-section with a minimum size of 11,500 m2, an intermediate solution of 14,000 m2 and a maximum size of 20,000 m2. These cross-sections will cause a vertical tidal range at Yerseke of 2.30 m., 2,70 m. and 3.10 m. respectively, (the tidal range being at present 3.50 m.) As far as security and hydraulics are con cerned ail three alternatives are equally good. For the preservation of the environment and the fishing industry a larger wet cross-section is to be preferred to a smaller one. Moreover, the more the tidal range approximates the present one, the easier it will be to predict the future situation. The majority of the committee recommends a wet cross-section of 14,000 m2. 54

Tijdschriftenbank Zeeland

Driemaandelijks bericht Deltawerken | 1977 | | pagina 56